You are currently viewing PROVINCIAL NOMINEE PROGRAMS



Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) allow expedited immigration processing to meet provincial labour market and business needs. There are two types of PNP program, the skilled worker PNP for occupations in demand and the business immigration program designed to allow expedited immigration processing for experienced business people wishing to establish a new business invest money or joint ventures with a local business.

Persons who immigrate to Canada under the Provincial Nominee Program have the skills, education and work experience needed to make an immediate economic contribution to the province or territory that nominates them. They are ready to establish themselves successfully as permanent residents in Canada.

To apply under the Provincial Nominee Program, applicants must be nominated by a Canadian province or territory.

Jurisdiction over immigration matters is shared between the federal government and the provinces and territories. Bilateral agreements for federal-provincial/territorial cooperation have been signed with nine provinces and one territory to date:

AlbertaManitobaNewfoundland and LabradorPrince Edward Island
YukonBritish ColumbiaNew BrunswickNova Scotia

Please note: A person nominated under the provincial nominee program may apply for a permanent resident visa through Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) under the provincial nominee category.

As a provincial nominee, the applicant will receive faster processing of his or her application for permanent residence.

Note: Only some people can charge a fee or receive any other type of payment to represent an immigrant or advise on a Canadian immigration proceeding or application. These are:

  • lawyers and paralegals who are members in good standing of a Canadian provincial or territorial law society;
  • notaries who are members in good standing of the Chambre des notaires du Québec; and
  • immigration consultants who are members in good standing of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council.

WIC CANADA Immigration Services is a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) and a member of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC).

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